Saturday, August 17, 2013

Jack's 6th birthday!


Who needs the sun?????


our neighbor whom I speak of and my granddaughter, Lorelei

                                             Amelia, Chris & Jack

Jack & Lorelei  (that  FACE!!!)

ooops, she was sleepy.....

birthday cake!

Jackson and his friend Jackson



Lorelei and her moogie  (me!)

Friday, August 9, 2013

michigan adventure, day 1

Today I met a woman with whom I have been friends for 6 years via computer.   She is every bit as charming, fun, and delightful as I thought she would be. 

Her husband, Phil is a wonderful person....they are a good couple.

Michigan is a beautiful place....lots of wide open spaces where I am and I love the nature sounds...

It was a magickal day...full of sunshine, love, and friendship and here are the pix....
This is behind the hotel where I sipped coffee and enjoyed the morning

The AuSable River

looking the other way (this is behind the hotel)

geese this morning on the AuSable

In resturaunt where we ate breakfast

Going to pier @ Lake Huron

My friend Leisa

gorgeous flowers in town

breathtaking views!

so very cool....

See!  I thought of you all today